Saturday, September 17, 2011

Saturday, September 10, 2011

In the News: Re-enacting Menendez’s landing

I had to work yesterday, so I missed participating in this year's landing event in St. Augustine, but hear is the news story:

Re-enacting Menendez’s landing

Posted: September 11, 2011 - 12:01am
St. Augustine Record

Don Pedro Menendez de Aviles, portrayed by Chad Light, leads a procession to mass after a re-enactment of his landing, 446 years ago, at the Mission of Nombre de Dios on Saturday morning. ...

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Founder's Weekend in St. Augustine Coming Up

In the News:

1565 Founder's Weekend begins Sept. 9 and runs through Sept. 11
St. Augustine Record
A local re-enactor portrays Don Pedro Menendez de Aviles during at last year's Founder's Weekend at The Fountain of Youth and the Mission Nombre de Dios. ...

At the Mission of Nombre de Dios site:

Four hundred and forty-six years ago, in September 1565, Admiral Don Pedro Menéndez de Avilés stepped ashore at Matanzas Bay and founded St. Augustine, Florida, the oldest, continuously occupied, European city and port in the continental United States.

On Saturday, September 10, 2011, the annual, historical reenactment of Menéndez' landing and 446th anniversary commemorations will be held at Mission Nombre de Dios ( in St. Augustine, Florida.

Founding Day 2011 will also feature a lecture on the founding of St. Augustine by Dr. Michael Gannon, Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus of History at the University of Florida and Knight Commander of Spain's Order of Isabella the Catholic, following the Mass of Thanksgiving and procession; this lecture is funded by a grant from the Florida Humanities Council through the National Endowment for the Humanities.
  • WHEN: Saturday, September 10, 2011 / 10 noon
  • WHERE: Mission Nombre de Dios and Shrine of Our Lady of La Leche / 27 Ocean Avenue, St. Augustine, FL
  • COST: Admission to this heritage Event is free

This heritage Event is sponsored by Mission Nombre de Dios and La Compañía de Santiago (The Company of St. James), a member unit of Florida Living History, Inc. Support is provided, in part, by the St. Johns County Tourist Development Council.

For more information on La Compañía de Santiago, please contact us at or phone us, toll-free, at 1-877-FLA-HIST (1-877-352-4478).

And Happening Next Door at the Fountain of Youth:

Pedro Menendez 1565 Founder's Weekend Fountain of Youth Archaeological Park September 9-11th, 2011 /// The Founding of St. Augustine 446th Anniversary Saturday, September10, 2011 Mission Nombre de Dios

Yes it's not on Labor Day weekend this year the HFM application for TDC funding (not granted this year) did manage to move the event closer to the original date of September 8th. Confused? try some of the past titles including: St. Augustine 446 Birthday Celebration / Don Pedro Menendez de Aviles and the Founding of St. Augustine / The "Founding of St.Augustine" Anniversary / 446th Anniversary of the Founding of St. Augustine / The Landing of Menendez and our ongoing working title MENENDEZ LANDING

The Fountain of Youth and the 16th century companies of the Historic Florida Militia invite all 16th Century reenactors--- gentlemen, ladies, soldiers, sailors, colonists, women, children, clergy, and Indians---We need you all! We will assemble on the Fountain of Youth grounds Friday Saturday and Sunday. On Saturday the presentations of camp and military will be open to the public at the same time as the Landing program is occurring where we will need interpreters for the camp and military exhibits who will also be preparing for Menendez's arrival at the Fountain of Youth grounds the camp and the First Thanksgiving Program.

--Thursday Sept.8 "anniversary date" Camp set up available in afternoon Restricted use of vehicles during exhibit hours at the Fountain of Youth

--Friday Sept. 9 Camp set up all day, program in evening begins at 5:30pm with a memorial requium in 16th Century fashion processing down to the waterfront for a ceremony and cannon salute just after 6:00.

-7:00pm An Evening with Pedro Menendez portrayed by Chad Light, all are invited including the general public. The event would be enhanced by reenactors especially as greetors/doorguards, council members and as audience. The scenes depicted are Menendez's council meetings in1565.

--Saturday Sept. 10 8:00am Assembly at the Fountain of Youth encampment, we will have time to set up for the public who arrive as early as 9:00am, cannons and camp need setting up. Light breakfast will be available.

-9:30am from the encampment we will march a column of soldiers, colonists and Indians to the waterfront overlooking the landing site, we will join the artillery (several pieces this year) positioned on the original site. Here we will fire salutes, wave flags, sound horns, cheer(Viva), ending with the command for all to Present Arms when Menendez steps ashore. As Menendez and his escort march to the rugged alter we will trail arms and silently return to camp.---10:00am+ we have plenty of time to set up displays,camps, prepare the First Thanksgiving Feast, and interpret the 16th Century to our visitors.

---Mid-day First Thanksgiving and Menendez Escort to camp. Gentlemen and Ladies, Color Guard, admiring Colonists and Horse escort. This year we are planning to escort Don Pedro from the new Mission Museum by way of the City streets North on Magnolia into the Main entrance to the Fountain of Youth, to the sound of cannons and the cheers of all into the main camp where Menendez orders a Thanksgiving Feast for the new colony and his new Indian friends are invited to sit down to table.

---All afternoon Interpretive encampment all afternoon, cannon, musket, military drill as we wish while the museum is open.

---7:00pm Dinner and jollification catered by the Fountain of Youth for participating 16th century reenactors in period dress and yes we are still the show as invited dignitaries(FOY invited) may dine with us.

---Sunday 10;00-4:00pm event is scheduled as a Historic 16th Century Encampment and Faire while a Distinguished Speaker's series 11:00-3:00pm hourly will feature Dr. Kathy Deagan, a repeat of Chad Light's presentation, Ted Morris's Florida Paintings and Maritime St. Augustine with Sam Turner from the Lighthouse.The program will culminate with a Lifetime Achievement Award to Dr. Eugene Lyon at 3:00pm==Cannon Salute== Yes then we can break camp!

Please help by forwarding this invitation on to all who may be able to attend. Find your old comrades and of course let's invite new recruits.

Viva Espana! Viva San Agustin! Viva Menendez!

Thank you from your comrade in arms Brian Bowman

And enjoy your Labor Day weekend